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Metallurgical and Mechanical Property Characterization of AM 304L Stainless Steel


Additively manufactured (AM) materials are becoming increasingly considered for use as structural components to replace conventionally manufactured counterparts. Austenitic stainless steel parts are of interest in a variety of applications not only for their corrosion resistance, hydrogen compatibility, and weldability, but also due to their toughness and damage tolerance. The microstructure and properties that result from any AM stainless steel are currently of great interest and have shown some clear trends, including significant shifts in primary solidification modes between AM processes [Powder Bed Fusion (PBF) and Directed Energy Deposition (DED)] and  mechanical property anisotropy.


Industry Sponsor: Sandia National Lab, Honeywell Kansas City National Security Campus

Faculty: Stephen Liu (CSM)

Graduate Student: Davis Wilson

Industry Contact: Michael Maguire, Jeff Rodelas, Kevin Faraone